WHO WE are
Mission Sent is an organization that believes in serving others, the way Christ serves us. It is with this cornerstone that we recognize “Mission Sent exists to educate, equip, and engage the people of our community to live lives on Mission.” Whether it is academics, life skills, physical needs like clothing or food, our vision is “Whatever it takes to complete the Mission".

OUR vision
At Mission Sent we believe Jesus gave us the example to be servants. Just as the Son of man came not to be served, but to serve and give His life a ransom for many! Part of who we are is to use our talents to glorify God, and serve those around us, we are here to serve our community!

Mission Sent exists to share the gospel of Jesus. It is the gospel that saves, and we are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus, for it is the power of salvation! Whether it is out fishing, at service, at school, or eating dinner with our friends and family, sharing the gospel is central to what we do.

At Mission Sent we live our lives on mission. It doesn't matter what we are doing, whether we eat or drink, we do all for the glory of God! We have a mission to fit you, and if not, our vision is to create missions for all disciples to serve, share, and live their life on mission!


Meet Debbie, friends! She is married to Josh and she is mom to three kiddos. Twin girls and one boy. She was raised in Winter Park, Florida and now resides in the Four Townes Community where she is a Special Education Teacher in the local Public School system, a church planter with her hubby who leads the church, and she doubles as a Podcast host with him as well.
Debbie graduated from Southeastern University with a BS in Organizational Leadership and a Minor in Business. She also has a Masters’ Degree, from Southeastern University in Reading Education and a Graduate Certification in Dyslexia. Debbie started her journey back in school, working towards a Doctorate in Community Counseling/Mental Health with an emphasis in Trauma studying at Liberty University.
She loves serving in her community and it is that passion that drove her to come alongside her husband and children to start Mission Sent.
She has seen first-hand the impact on children when they are not afforded their basic needs and how it impacts their learning as well as their overall well-being. She believes strongly in Maslow before Bloom! She is an outspoken advocate for students with special needs and loves children dearly. She knows if they can be impacted for the better, the more likely the entire family can be impacted. Debbie knows Christ called us to be the light in the darkness and it is that desire to honor Jesus that presses her to keep moving forward, regardless of the obstacles.
Debbie loves reading, watching non-fiction and historical fiction movies. She has a passion for weightlifting and uses that as a stress relief five days a week. She loves protein shakes and listening to all the stories her children share with her. She is connected to close to 100% of every student she has ever taught and prides herself in obtaining and maintaining relationships with them and their families.
She loves Mediterranean food, coffee, water and essential oils. Debbie also grew up in a bilingual home and can make empanadas like a champ, although she won’t eat them, when she makes them at home, they disappear! She speaks both English and Spanish and has at times been used as a translator.
Josh wears many hats, and loves to serve others with all those hats. He graduated from Southeastern University with a BS in Human Services, with an emphasis in Counseling. He uses that degree to get you the help you need. After that, Josh graduated from Liberty University with a MA in Theological Studies, with an emphasis in Biblical studies.
He serves as pastor of Mission Sent, and is a full time, FLDOE certified teacher in Volusia County. Along with Debbie, Josh hosts Practically Christian Podcast, and produces much of the content on MissionMedia.
In his spare time, you will find Josh spending time with his family, fixing things at the house, or fishing.

Shelby Manchester is a born and raised Florida Four Townes native. She has resided in two other states but made her way back to Florida a little over two years ago, putting down roots here, for now. Depending on the setting, she may bear the title aunt, sister, daughter, friend, or teacher. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Intercultural Studies from Southeastern University, along with a master’s degree from Biola University in Intercultural Studies with a concentration in Linguistics.
Her big life dream is to one day live in Latin America and open an orphanage where the fatherless and motherless can come to know and experience the love of Christ as they are brought in and cared for, the same way Jesus has done for His children.
Prior to moving back to Florida in 2018, she worked in the events industry as a catering manager. As of now, she is a 5th grade teacher at a local elementary school and loves it. Her students’ quick wit, tender hearts, and sense of humor keep her grounded. Her classroom is one of her favorite places to be. Even before entering the field of education full time, she has always spent a great deal of time around children, finding in them a joy and freedom often lost on those older in years.
When she’s not at school, you will most likely find her in one of two places: on the court or in the kitchen. She is a basketball loving, homemade meal cooking kind of girl. She’s also an avid writer and traveler, though not a travel blog writer by any means. She will choose a book over Netflix any day. She’s also a big fan of moonlit night skies and sunsets. Her three years in California gave her a deep love for tacos, but her southern roots keep her in that Chick-fil-a line on the weekly. She loves people and chats over coffee and telling stories that make you cry laughing.
Feel free to follow her writing adventures at slmanchester.wordpress.com or if you’re more interested in the sunsets and food, follow her on Instagram @shelby_lyn93. She loves new friends!